The registration fees for the TEEM2023 Conference are:

Before September, 7th of 2023
September, 15th of 2023
September, 22th of 2023
Early Registration: 270€ (1st paper)
Early Reduced Registration (postgraduate students and chairs): 170€ (1st paper)
From September, 7th of 2023
September, 15th of 2023
September, 23th of 2023
October, 1st of 2023
October, 10th of 2023
Regular Registration: 370€ (1st paper)
Reduced Registration (postgraduate students and chairs): 220€ (1st paper)
Additional papers
Additional papers: 50€ per additional paper (maximum 2)
The conference registration fee includes:
- Attendance to all conference activities
- Lunches on the first two conference days
- Gala dinner
- Conference Proceedings
- Publication and diffusion of your presentations
- Certificate of presentation only those papers that the video presentation is published in the TEEM channel
For paper presentation at the Conference and publication in the Proceedings, one registration per paper is required. Please, take care to choose the proper fee regarding the additional papers. Participation is not guaranteed until full payment of the registration fee is received.
Please take the following steps to formalize your registration for the TEEM 2023 Conference:
Are you a session chair entitled to free registration? If yes, please fill out this form.
The conference registration fee must be paid in EUROS through a wire transfer. Unfortunately, other payment methods such as credit cards or PayPal are not available.
To formalize your payment, please use the following information:
- Account Holder: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
- Address: Campus de Sta. Apolónia, 5300-253 Bragança – Portugal
- Tax Number: 600013758
- Account Designation: IPB – Congressos e Seminários
- IBAN: PT50 0781 0112 00000007883 90
- Transaction Description: TEEM2023 + name_of_participant
Bank information:
- Name: Agência de Gestão da Tesouraria e da Dívida Pública – IGCP, E.P.E.
- Address: Avenida da República, Nº 57, 6º, 1050-189 Lisboa – Portugal
- Tax Number: 503756237
- Telephone/Fax: (+351) 217 923 300/ (+351) 217 993 795
Using a .pdf version of the bank transfer receipt, upload it here. After the transaction has been validated the payment receipt will be sent to you by email.
Do you need a proforma invoice? If yes, please fill out this form.
Summer holidays at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança are in August, so the registrations during that period will receive the invoice or the confirmation of enrollment in September.
Liability and Insurance:
The conference fee does not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that participants purchase their insurance in their country of origin. The conference secretariat and organizing institutions are not able to take any responsibility, whatsoever, for injury or damage to persons or property during the meeting.